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Oldfield Brow Primary School

Oldfield Brow Primary School

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“At Oldfield Brow, we believe that every child is exceptional” (School Vision, 2023)

In order for every child to aspire towards their limitless potential, our school will ensure that it creates a culture in which every child will learn and succeed in line with their peers. The school’s inclusive culture is based on these core principles:

  • Ensuring social justice for all learners by guaranteeing that every child has access to quality, progressive, curriculum delivered by skilled and knowledgeable teachers who can adapt provision to meet the individual needs of each learner for them to reach our high expectations for all learners.
  • Guaranteeing equity in opportunity for all learners to enable them to access the same curriculum and achieve the same as their peers.
  • Using timely and effective assessment to ensure the early identification of needs to ensure all learners can “keep up” and not have to “catch up” with their peers.
  • Creating a sense of belonging for all children by ensuring our school ethos values diversity in all forms, including neurodivergence, based on the principles of representation across our curriculum and the explicit teaching of the principles of the Equality Act 2010. All members of our school community feel that their individuality is accepted, understood and valued by all members of our school by ensuring that reasonable adjustments are made to accommodate personal needs within our framework of high expectations for all.

We will know that we have been successful in our vision when:

  • We have eliminated any attainment gap between different demographics of learners from a range of diverse backgrounds.
  • Our learners, and other members of our school community, confirm via stakeholder engagement, that they feel represented and valued within in a school where individuality is accepted and understood by all.
  • Our progressive and well-sequenced curriculum is taught via embedded inclusive quality first teaching techniques that eliminate the use of external academic support for learners to reach our high expectations.

Our vision for Inclusion at Oldfield Brow can be summarised by the following statement:

same intent (curriculum expectations) and adapted implementation (teaching)

Our Inclusion Leaders/Champions:

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Report can be found on our Policies page. This may contain answers to many of the questions you may have. Should you require any further information, please do get in touch on 0161 926 8646 and we will be happy to assist.

Search Trafford SEND Local Offer or click here to go online - SEND Local Offer.

We are proud members of the Trafford Inclusion Charter.

how do we support children with send at oldfield brow.pdf

Useful links

Please see the Trafford SEND Local Offer links below for details of services, workshops and information that you may find useful throughout the course of the year and during any remote learning period.

The Trafford Directory links to services across the local area. It also has a link to the Virtual Mental Wealth Hub, a single point of access, for information, advice and guidance relating to anxiety and mental health needs.

Trafford Graduated Approach to Special Educational Needs - a guide for parents, carers and young people.

DADS! Get involved with your child's speech development - details here.

Did you know Trafford Council has PRE-PAID for every parent and carer in Trafford to access a course for parents/carers (access now for life-long access) From bump to 19+ years. Available via: https://inourplace.co.uk using the code WATERPARK.

The Together Trust Sleep Clinic has put together a range of fantastic advice to help improve sleep. This can be found here.

Calm Connections information point and support with Mental Health for parents and young people - great if you're currently waiting on support!

Support, resources and links for home learning - SEND

Link Newsletter

BBC SEND Toolkit for Parents

Nessy: a fun approach to learning, supporting our pupils with dyslexia - YouTube channel with tips, videos and games!

Happy Space Wellbeing Guidebook: A digital well-being booklet with a section to support parents, tips for kids (7+) for maintaining a healthy body and mind, inc sleep advice, yoga, growth mindset and video links - check it out!

A primary school grammar glossary

Mr C's Memory Games: fun games to boost short-term memory and number recall.

Experiencing challenging behaviour and emotions from your child? Zones of Regulation - A fantastic, free, online course with simple resources to help your child regulate their emotions, courtesy of Trafford Speech and Language Therapy.

Here are a couple of short videos that help explain ADHD. ADHD explained and Autism for kids (and adults!) - Amazing Things Happen.

More exciting news…

The Educational Psychology Service now has a Facebook page!  Parents can book a telephone appointment with someone from the team (although not to discuss specific children) and there will be a range of live sessions covering areas such as managing anxiety and behaviour plus Q&A sessions etc. Trafford Educational Psychology on Facebook 

Oldfield Brow Primary School Oldfield Brow Primary School