Personal Development
At Oldfield Brow, our curriculum extends far beyond the academic in order for them to gain the "knowledge and attitude to thrive in a changing world" (School Vision, 2023)
We aim to ensure that, over their time at Oldfield Brow, learners receive a Personal Development curriculum that gives them the knowledge that they need to make decisions, to strengthen them personally and to allow them to develop their character and personality. We provide these rich experiences in a coherently planned way, in the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities.
At Oldfield Brow, our Personal Development approaches are underpinned by the following core areas:
- Our School Values provide a golden thread of characteristics that we feel are essential for our learners to "realise their limitless potential" and develop a strong understanding of themselves as exceptional young people in their own right.
- A strong focus on equality and diversity through the adoption of "No Outsiders" ethos and curriculum that explicitly teaches our children about protected characteristics and the underlying principles of respect, the rule of law, democracy and individual liberty.
- A dedication to achieving GOLD Rights Respecting status; ensuring the UN Rights of a Child across the school's curriculum, teaching approaches, and leadership of the school.
- Pupil Leadership Opportunities that enable our learners to lead aspects of the school's approaches; placing pupil voice at the centre of our school. This is further enhanced by the school's focus on oracy; empowering individuals to use their voices to share their thoughts, ideas and views effectively.
- A core PSHCE curriculum that provides our children an age-appropriate understanding of family and relationships, health and wellbeing, safety and a changing body, citizenship, economic wellbeing, self identity (Year 6 only).
- A varied and exciting extra-curricular offer based on pupil feedback and a well-planned series of educational visits or visitors that link closely with the planned subject or personal development curriculum.
COMING LATER IN 2024: We will be extending our outdoor learning provision by investing in a new 'Forest School' provision. Forest School will provide children with opportunities to take risks, collaborate, engage with and respect the natural world and work with increasing levels of independence; finding innovative solutions to problems through creative thinking and effective reflection on wider learning opportunities.