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Oldfield Brow Primary School

Oldfield Brow Primary School

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At Oldfield Brow, all of our learning is underpinned by our PSHCE curriculum in which we aim to ensure that all of our learners have the attitude required to "thrive in a changing world" (School Vision, 2023)

Our PSHCE curriculum is designed to enable our children to develop a deep understaning of themselves, of others and the world we live in.  We do this through:

  • Developing a deep understanding of the children as exceptional individuals who are unique and diverse.
  • Embedding the concept that we are all different, however, we are all equal and that no-one should be discriminated against due to being unique.
  • Developing our learner's understanding of how to form healthy relationships which are underpinned by mutual respect and consent.
  • Embedding a deep understanding of skills required to become economically secure in the modern world.
  • Preparing our learners for life in Modern Britain and the world by promoting British Values as the values that underpin the Equality Act, 2010.

To support our learners to achieve these aims, we use the following curricula:

  • Kapow PSHCE and RSE Curriculum
  • No Outsiders - focusing on equality education
  • UNICEF Rights Respecting School

what does teaching and learning in pshce look like at oldfield brow.pdf

Oldfield Brow Primary School Oldfield Brow Primary School